Dental care students who are connected to Norrbotten can apply for a scholarship where, among other things, they are guaranteed a summer job at the Norrbotten Region.

- We see that the connection to Norrbotten is important.

Students with some form of connection to the county are the ones we have the easiest time recruiting after graduation, but through the summer jobs we hope that more people will open their eyes both to us as employers and to our beautiful county, says Maria Pettersson, head of business area Folktandvård in Region Norrbotten .

Different occupational groups

Of the students who will work at Folktandvården in Norrbotten in the summer, 35 are studying to become dentists and several of these have completed term nine out of ten.

The other eight are prospective dental nurses, dental hygienists and dental technicians.

SVT Nyheter Norrbotten has in several reports examined dental care in the county.

In the report, both dental staff and many patients have testified to a dental crisis with long queues and a great shortage of dentists that affects individual patients severely.