At the end of last week, SVT was able to reveal that the seriously ill Ingvar Lomhed, 65, in Övertorneå had been left alone for ten days and then found dead in his home.

His personal assistant was on sick leave, but no replacement showed up, even though he was entitled to personal assistance all waking hours from 8:00 to 21:00 - seven days a week.

"There was a serious misconduct"

SVT Norrbotten has taken part in the assistance company's own investigation and it shows several major shortcomings in the care of Ingvar.

"Frösunda's position after the investigation is that there was a serious misconduct.

Even if Frösunda had not been able to prevent the death, the customer would probably have been found earlier if Frösunda had taken adequate measures to ensure contact with the customer. ”

, the company writes.

Suggests that the municipality should have reacted

The private care company also states that they have not contacted the municipality or considered making contact.

At the same time, Frösunda suggests that the municipality should have known that Ingvar did not receive the assistance he was entitled to:

"The municipality has been indirectly informed through the invoicing of the hours performed by the customer, which clearly shows the discrepancy between the number of hours granted and the number of hours used."

, the company writes.

Difficulties in recruiting

Frösunda writes in the investigation that there was no agreement between Ingvar and the head of operations at times when he could not be reached.

They point out that it has been difficult to agree with Ingvar on which assistants will work for him:

According to the operations manager, the recruitment of assistants in the assignment has been a challenge partly based on the geographical location and difficulties in matching the customer's requirements profile.

The customer has been given access to all applications received.

He has already rejected 13 of these before a physical hit. "

Exactly what Ingvar has said in the various conversations is difficult to know, Frösunda admits shortcomings in the documentation:

"The documentation for agreements with the customer regarding the staffing of the assignment is sporadic and it is unclear when conversations took place."

No contact was made with relatives

According to the assistance company, it is also not clear what attempts the operations manager has made to get in touch with Ingvar the week the assistant was on sick leave.

In addition, the investigation shows that no one contacted Ingvar's siblings - despite the fact that contact information was available.

Since SVT requested the assistance company's own investigation from IVO, the company is now considering answering our questions.