It is becoming something of a tradition at this time of year: to proclaim the continued existence of the millennial Kvilleken.

- It is a huge interest in that it is the oldest known tree in the country, and we get a lot of questions: Is it alive?

is it alive ?, says Christina Karlberg, head of communications at the County Administrative Board in Kalmar County.

"No major difference from last year"

Not until later in the spring, when buds begin to appear on the tree, can the county administrative board answer that question.

And this year, the slow journey to definitive death seems to have stopped at something:

- The managers who looked this year can not see with the naked eye any major difference from last year.

It is still about a branch where buds continue to come, says Christina Karlberg.

Unclear success in inoculation

In 2014-2015, attempts were made to revive Kvilleken, which, however, failed.

Since then, the county administrative board has judged that the tree is out of rescue.

On the other hand, attempts were made to inoculate the tree in 2019 to be able to see the tree live on and also research what made Kvilleken so old.

But it is still too early to say whether the vaccination attempts have been successful, says Christina Karlberg.

- It is still going on and we have not seen any results yet.

It's about them taking root, and it has not been possible to determine whether they have done so yet.

Kvilleken and the surrounding nature reserve are still open to visitors, but with safety barriers around the tree itself.

Watch the clip about the attempt to take inoculations from Kvilleken from 2019:

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Twelve new little Kvillekar are underway.

Photo: Skogsforsk