Europe 1 7:05 p.m., May 10, 2022

From Monday to Thursday at 8:13 a.m., Sonia Mabrouk receives a topical guest in the morning of Europe 1.

On Wednesday, the former Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maurice Gourdault-Montagne, answers his questions.

The former Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maurice Gourdault-Montagne, is the guest of Sonia Mabrouk on Wednesday at 8:13 a.m. in the morning of Europe 1. He answers her questions, in particular on the reluctance of certain countries of the Union European Union to change the European treaties.

What is happening at the European level is major.

A dozen EU countries including Denmark and Finland are opposed to a change in the treaties and therefore to the abandonment of the unanimous vote.. Meet tomorrow 8:13 a.m. @Europe1 Guest: the former Sec. Quai d'Orsay M.Gourdault-Montagne

— Mabrouk Sonia (@SoMabrouk) May 10, 2022