Emmanuel Macron declared himself this Monday in Strasbourg "in favor" of a "revision of the treaties" of the European Union, proposing that the leaders of the 27 discuss it at their summit in June.

Visit to Strasbourg and Berlin

Freshly reinvested, French President Emmanuel Macron should take advantage of the symbolic date of May 9 and his visit to Strasbourg on Monday to boast of a more powerful Europe ready to reform itself to meet the expectations of citizens.

“We will have to reform our texts, it is obvious.

One of the ways of this reform is the convening of a treaty revision convention.

It is a proposal from the European Parliament and I approve of it”, he declared before the European Parliament, for his first speech on Europe since his re-election and the Russian offensive in Ukraine.

On the same day, he will then go to Berlin, reserving, as tradition dictates, the first official visit since his re-election to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Support for Franco-German friendship, "with an even stronger symbolism of the day of Europe Day", we underline at the Elysée.


European Union: To open his five-year term, Emmanuel Macron is going to Strasbourg and Berlin this Monday


War in Ukraine: Special commemoration of May 8 for Emmanuel Macron

  • Emmanuel Macron

  • Europe

  • Strasbourg

  • Berlin

  • Great East