Following a Riksdag decision in 1968, Sweden's position is that nuclear weapons should be abolished, but unlike in Finland, there is no legislation against nuclear weapons in Sweden.

Professor Thomas Jonter at Stockholm University believes that this is not a problem in peacetime, but that it can be in a sharp situation.

- If it leads to nuclear weapons being placed on Swedish territory or if they are even needed on Gotland or elsewhere, that is another question.

But we must not be so naive that we can completely renounce nuclear weapons if we join NATO, says Thomas Jonter, professor of international relations.

"Must have clear legislation"

Despite the fact that Sweden has had high credibility in the context of disarmament since the days of the Peace Prize winner Alva Myrdal, the political interest in a world free of nuclear weapons has cooled. 

- There has been no interest from the government or the political parties to introduce a ban as in Finland.

I think it depends on the host country agreement with the USA, says Thomas Jonter.

According to him, it is important that Sweden introduces a clear law that prohibits the import of nuclear weapons into Sweden, otherwise it is not possible to be faithful to the Swedish line that has been in force since 1968.

- If we are to be faithful to the line that even the current government claims to follow, general statements are not enough, then we must have clear legislation.

Disarmament possible also as a NATO member

Thomas Jonter emphasizes that there are countries within the defense alliance that want to abolish nuclear weapons and that the threats we see from Russia now do not last forever.

In addition to Finland, Lithuania and Spain are also banned from having nuclear weapons in their countries.

- We must not forget that President Barack Obama in a speech in Prague in 2008 said that the US goal is to abolish nuclear weapons and I believe that there is an opportunity to continue with disarmament policy even if we join NATO, says Thomas Jonter at Stockholm university.