Permobil in Timrå manufactures electrically powered vehicles for the disabled and now has a worldwide business

. The company is growing so fast right now - last year it took over an Italian company in the industry and hired around 30 engineers for the facility in Timrå.


CEO Bengt Thorsson stated a year ago that Permobil was about to grow out of its suit - it was crowded in Timrå and needed to find new premises for its expansion.

- It will be somewhere in the region, Thorsson said then.

Moves to Birsta

Now, a year later, they have clearly searched and decided - Permobil establishes moves operations from Timrå and establishes itself in the industrial and trade area Birsta in Sundsvall instead.

Today, the initiative is presented at a press conference, where, among others, the chairman of the municipal board in Sundsvall.

Bodil Hansson (S), participates.