Authoritative Interview丨How to ensure smooth logistics across the country?

What measures can help companies bail out and stabilize the market?

The Ministry of Transport speaks →

  In the first quarter, the transportation economy achieved a stable start.

However, since late March, the domestic epidemic has occurred frequently in many places, and some areas have encountered problems such as blocked traffic, stranded vehicles, and poor logistics; transportation companies have been affected by the decline in passenger flow and rising fuel costs, making it difficult to operate.

  How to efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, how to ensure smooth logistics across the country?

What other effective measures are there to help enterprises bail out and stabilize the market?

How can the transportation economy achieve steady growth?

Today, let's watch this reporter's exclusive interview with Xu Chengguang, a member of the party group and chief planner of the Ministry of Transport.

How to hand over the answer sheet for the continued transportation of the epidemic?

  Xu Chengguang: "Three Stability" Starts for the Transportation Economy in the First Quarter

  Steady words and work on the ground.

Transportation and logistics is the meridian of the market economy and an important support for people's livelihood security.

As an important area for stabilizing economic and social development, what kind of answer has the transportation industry handed in this year?

  Xu Chengguang said that in the first quarter, my country's transportation economy generally achieved stable operation, which is mainly reflected in the three words "stable".

  Xu Chengguang, member of the party group and chief planner of the Ministry of Transport: First, freight is stable, and freight is the basic support for the flow of factors.

In the first quarter, the freight volume of the whole society increased by 1.5% year-on-year, and continued to maintain a steady growth trend.

This shows that my country's economic operation is generally stable and is continuing to recover and develop.

  Xu Chengguang introduced that the second indicator of the stability of the transportation economy is the port.

The port undertakes more than 90% of my country's foreign trade cargo transportation.

In the first quarter, the national port cargo throughput increased by 1.6% year-on-year, especially the growth of foreign trade routes, which increased by 5.0% year-on-year.

This also shows that my country's trade in goods grows rapidly and the structure continues to be optimized.

  The third is stable investment.

Investment is the "stabilizer" of economic growth.

In the first quarter, investment in transportation fixed assets increased by 9.8% year-on-year, nearly 6 percentage points faster than that of last year, and continued to maintain a high level, providing strong support for stable growth.

  Xu Chengguang, member of the party group and chief planner of the Ministry of Transport: Coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, coordinate development and safety, fully serve the "six stability" and "six guarantees" work, and promote the overall smooth start of the transportation economy in the first quarter. The macroeconomic market provided important support.

How does Baotong Baochang achieve a national game of chess?

  Xu Chengguang: There are difficulties and heavy punches to ensure smooth flow!

  In the first quarter of this year, transportation delivered a "stable" answer.

However, since late March, the domestic epidemic situation has been numerous, widespread and frequent, and the smooth flow of logistics has attracted the attention of all parties.

In response to the current situation, the Ministry of Transport has issued a series of measures. What progress has been made so far, and what more powerful measures are there in the future?

  Xu Chengguang said that in the prevention and control of the epidemic, there have been problems such as blocked traffic, stranded vehicles, and poor logistics in some places.

  In response to these problems, the Ministry of Transport has made a unified deployment in accordance with the State Council's work mechanism for ensuring smooth flow of logistics, implemented wall chart operations, and strengthened supervision and implementation.

At present, the problem of increasing the number of trucks in various places and the "one-size-fits-all" persuasion to return has been significantly reduced, and the major transportation arteries across the country have been basically opened up.

However, there are still problems such as inadequate implementation of policies in some places.

  Xu Chengguang, member of the party group and chief planner of the Ministry of Transport: The epidemic prevention checkpoints set up illegally on national and provincial trunk lines and rural roads have not yet been "should be removed", and vehicle passes and nucleic acid test certificates cannot be mutually recognized in some areas. In some places, there are still problems such as mandatory yellow codes for truck drivers and "one-size-fits-all" persuasion to return. The problem of poor microcirculation at the end of cities in key epidemic-related areas, especially the "last 100 meters", still exists.

  Xu Chengguang said that the next step will continue to implement the ten measures of "guaranteeing smooth access".

Strengthen supervision and dynamic scheduling to ensure that vehicle passes should be issued as soon as possible, apply quickly, and be recognized nationwide; resolutely prevent the rebound of expressway toll stations and service areas being closed and shut down, and resolutely avoid sending epidemic prevention checkpoints to without approval. Transfer of national and provincial trunk lines and rural roads; promote the orderly resumption of operations of postal express distribution centers and outlets closed due to the epidemic; improve the collection and distribution capacity of important hubs such as Shanghai Pudong Airport and Shanghai Port; focus on ensuring the transportation of food, energy and other civilian materials .

  Xu Chengguang, member of the party group and chief planner of the Ministry of Transport: Adhere to a game of chess across the country, give full play to the role of the State Council Leading Group Office for Logistics Guaranteeing and Smoothing, focus on logistics congestion, and pay close attention to key areas, key enterprises, key issues and people's livelihood guarantee , make every effort to open the aorta and smooth the microcirculation.

What other effective measures are there to stabilize the market and help enterprises bail out?

  Xu Chengguang: Four major measures to help enterprises solve difficulties

  Affected by the epidemic, the operation of transportation enterprises is generally difficult. The Ministry of Transportation has previously issued "three reductions, two supplements, one support and one precision" to help enterprises.

  Xu Chengguang said that the measures of "three reductions, two supplements, one support and one precision" have achieved phased results.

The "three reductions" refer to reducing or exempting public transportation services such as VAT and other taxes, rents, and social security expenses such as unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance; Unemployment insurance for enterprises to stabilize jobs and return subsidies; "one support" is to set up 100 billion yuan of re-loans in the field of transportation and logistics, open up a "green channel" for credit approval, ease the shortage of funds for transportation companies and truck drivers, and avoid capital chain breakage; "one precision" , is to implement precise epidemic prevention and control measures and reduce traffic restrictions.

  Xu Chengguang, member of the party group and chief planner of the Ministry of Transport: After the introduction of this package of relief policies, we have established and improved the working mechanism, implemented detailed assistance measures, closely tracked and solved problems, and refined the implementation of 100 billion re-loan support for transportation and logistics. measures to promote the implementation of the relief policy and take effect.

  In the next step, the Ministry of Transport will take four measures to increase the relief efforts of transportation enterprises.

The first is to fully implement policies such as the exemption of value-added tax for public transportation services and the implementation of tax refunds for the transportation industry. The third is to actively develop services such as customized passenger transport and integration of transport and tourism, and guide road passenger transport enterprises to actively transform and upgrade.

Fourth, continue to optimize the business environment.

  Xu Chengguang, member of the party group and chief planner of the Ministry of Transport: Accelerate the construction of a unified and open transportation market, fully implement the list management of administrative licensing items, further deepen the reform of "decentralization, regulation and service", and strive to create a fair competition, healthy and standardized transportation environment.

How to maintain steady growth in the transportation economy?

  Xu Chengguang: Expanding effective investment in transportation is the top priority

  In the policy toolbox of the Ministry of Transport to help stabilize growth, expanding effective investment in transport infrastructure ranks first.

In the first quarter of this year, 636 billion yuan was invested in transportation fixed assets, a year-on-year increase of 9.8%, and the growth rate was 1 percentage point higher than that in the fourth quarter of last year.

  Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Transport has deployed 16 policies and measures in the field of infrastructure construction in advance, and together with the Ministry of Finance, has issued tax subsidies for car purchases as soon as possible, grasping the big and small to promote the transportation projects involved in the 102 major national projects, and carrying out the planned projects moderately ahead of schedule. In the preliminary work, establish a coordination and promotion mechanism for major projects, timely coordinate the supply of funds, land and other elements to ensure the supply, and create better conditions to support the expansion of effective investment in transportation.

  Xu Chengguang, member of the party group and chief planner of the Ministry of Transport: Although affected by the epidemic, the fixed asset investment in transportation remained at a high level in April, and the trend of stability and improvement has not changed, especially as the country comprehensively strengthens infrastructure construction related With the introduction of the policy, investment in transportation fixed assets is expected to continue to run at a high level.

  Xu Chengguang said that in the next step, the Ministry of Transport will continue to optimize the layout, structure, function and development mode of transportation infrastructure in accordance with the goal of building a modern infrastructure system.

Accelerate the construction of the main framework of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network of "6 corridors, 7 axes and 8 channels", strengthen the planning and construction of coastal and inland port waterways, optimize and upgrade the national water transportation facility network, and promote the "14th Five-Year" modern comprehensive transportation system development plan 11 major The project "project package" was implemented.

  Xu Chengguang, member of the party group and chief planner of the Ministry of Transport: Research on the new fiscal and taxation system that supports the construction of a strong transportation country, better play the roles of the government and the market, the central and local governments, state-owned capital and social capital, and better focus on safeguarding the country's major infrastructure. The capital demand for construction lays a solid foundation for maintaining the stability of the macroeconomic market.

Which construction projects will be promoted in the strong infrastructure?

  Xu Chengguang: There are lists and goals

  In the interview, Xu Chengguang also focused on disclosing the transportation infrastructure construction projects and implementation goals that will be promoted this year.

The construction of major projects has been advanced in an all-round way, and the rural infrastructure has made up for the shortcomings.

  This year, the Ministry of Transport will focus on speeding up the construction of Sichuan-Tibet railway and highway supporting projects, a major channel for entry into and out of Xinjiang, a new western land-sea channel (Pinglu) canal project, a container terminal on the north side of Xiaoyangshan in the Yangshan port area, a Ningbo-Zhoushan national bulk A number of strategic major engineering projects such as port and shipping facilities in commodity storage and transportation bases, major comprehensive transportation hubs, etc., study and demonstrate the planning and implementation of projects such as the Hunan-Guangxi Canal and the Jiangxi-Guangdong Canal Connecting Project.

  Xu Chengguang, member of the party group and chief planner of the Ministry of Transport: Accelerate the construction of new infrastructure, promote the deep integration of new technologies such as big data, the Internet, artificial intelligence, and blockchain with transportation infrastructure, and realize digital transformation and intelligent upgrade.

Vigorously promote green infrastructure, and promote the coordination of transportation infrastructure and natural ecology.

  Accelerate the filling of infrastructure shortcomings.

Xu Chengguang said that the focus of this year's efforts is to make up for the "white space" in the central and western regions and rural areas, to speed up the construction of the national expressway to be connected and the expansion and reconstruction of the congested sections in the early stage, and to promote the quality and upgrade of the low-grade sections of ordinary national and provincial highways; strengthen the We will build a comprehensive transportation hub and a collection and distribution system, promote the integration of urban agglomeration transportation, steadily advance the construction of "Four Good Rural Roads", and continuously improve the rural transportation system.

  (CCTV reporter Zhang Qin, Li Qingbo, Wang Yan, Zhong Min, Zheng Liankai, Zhang Hao, Tang Zhijian, Wang Haidong, Shenhao, Fei Wentao, Liu Xuan, Wang Haoyi)