Two young men appeared in court on Wednesday for throwing a water bomb at Olivier Berzane, mayor of the 8th arrondissement of Lyon, last February.

The mayor was then visiting a solidarity grocery store, route de Vienne.

The author of the throw, a member of the Daltons, was quickly arrested by the police, as well as his driver who was supposed to film the scene for social networks.

According to

Le Progrès

, the 31-year-old Dalton was sentenced to four months in prison, a sentence he will serve under an electronic bracelet.

His driver was released from the charges against him that day.

However, he was sentenced to eight months in prison and a fine of 600 euros for having stored cannabis in his home.

Three "Daltons" arrested after the paintball attacks on the prefecture


Lyon: The leader of the "Dalton" released, they shoot paintball at a building of the prefecture

  • Miscellaneous facts

  • Lyons

  • Justice

  • Police

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes