At present, the governance of "three noes" communities has become a common and urgent problem in people's livelihood.

Reporter Banyuetan's investigation found that at present, the "three-nothing" community is facing difficulties such as "too lazy to manage" the property, "unwilling to take control" of residents, and "difficult to manage" by functional departments.

Because of its complex governance and many security risks, it is becoming a chronic disease in the city.

Dirty and messy

  "Three no" communities generally refer to residential quarters without supervisory units, without property management, and without material defense.

Its main features are long-term construction and outdated facilities.

  In recent years, with the in-depth implementation of projects such as renovation of old communities, the appearance of some communities has changed, but there are still a certain number of "three no" communities in the city.

Most of these communities face problems such as imperfect infrastructure, dirty and chaotic environment, and many potential safety hazards, which have plagued the normal life of residents for many years.

  A residential area in a northern city is located next to a prosperous area. Most of the courtyards are brick and tile structures, and some gates are made of wood.

Every commute time, you can see many residents pulling domestic water from the water station with their trolleys.

It is understood that the community was built in the 1950s and is currently a shanty town, and has not yet achieved tap water access to the household.

Permanent residents only account for about 20%, and most of them are migrants.

According to reports, there is currently no special property and supervisory unit in the community.

In order to ensure the basic livelihood of the people, in recent years, the local government has helped the community to clean the road surface, renovate the sewers, and install the community gates, monitoring, street lights, fire fighting and other supporting facilities, barely maintaining the operation.

  In a city in the south, a "three-nothing" community originally belonged to a local state-owned sugar factory. Most of the more than 100 residents in the community are old employees of the sugar factory.

At present, the community has no property and security, and the wall next to a road in the community has been seriously inclined.

Although the community has erected warning signs and made support and reinforcement, the residents of the community still expressed concern: "We have no special maintenance funds ourselves, and we can only wait for community coordination."

  When reporter Banyuetan conducted research in many provinces, they all found that the "three noes" old communities had poor living conditions and many potential safety hazards.

For example, there are sundries piled up in the corridors of some communities, and there is a lack of fire protection facilities; some communities often experience leakage of sewage pipes, etc.; Most of them are low-rise houses, which are surrounded by high-rise buildings, and the lighting is obviously insufficient.

Community governance becomes a pain point

  Property "too lazy to manage".

Many "three noes" communities have been built for a long time, and the old houses in the community have been in disrepair for a long time, and the management, maintenance and maintenance costs are high.

The enthusiasm of the property management company itself is poor. Even if they do, they choose to ignore security risks, social security and other thorny issues due to lack of funds and manpower.

  Some property company personnel revealed that the aging problem of circuits in the "three noes" community is serious, but many residents use high-power electrical appliances disorderly at home, which poses a fire hazard.

On the one hand, the property is incapable of speaking in front of the residents and "has no authority"; on the other hand, it lacks the motivation to actively maintain and replace the facilities, so it only wants "no major problems".

  In addition, according to the survey, some communities have low charging standards and a single business model. It is a problem for the property management committee to pay the salaries of the guards, let alone solve other problems. In the end, the property committee was forced to dissolve or the guards chose to leave, making the community difficult. Trapped in an unmanaged situation.

  Residents are "disobedient".

The "three noes" community has a large floating population and a complex composition.

Among the floating population in some communities, there are not only migrant workers, but also beggars and scavengers. They generally rent temporarily in the relevant "three-nothing" communities and lack motivation to participate in community construction.

At the same time, the owners of rental houses have not returned to the community for a long time, and apart from collecting rent, they have basically disconnected from the community.

Some owners do not pay for several years in arrears, and the lighting rate in some communities is less than 30%.

  Banyuetan reporter also learned that most of the "three noes" communities do not have owners' committees. Even if there are owners' committees, most of them are composed of retirees or idle workers. Their knowledge level and ability to do things are limited, and it is difficult to play a role.

A grass-roots cadre in Yongning District, Nanning City told reporters Banyuetan that some industry committees lacked supervision, resulting in unclear accounts and conflicts with the owners. After a period of implementation, it was finally resolved.

  After the enthusiasm of the property service was hit and the property committee chose to "lie down", the residents of the community became more and more resistant to the property committee and the property, and fell into "the more difficult it is to manage, the more unmanaged, the more unmanaged, the more unwilling to accept it." 's vicious circle.

  Functional departments are "difficult to manage".

It is understood that there is a prominent problem of coordination among the governance bodies of the "three noes" community, and there is a coordination dilemma between government departments.

Some grass-roots cadres said that in the governance and renovation of such communities, multiple departments such as housing construction, urban management, public security, and civil affairs are often involved, and various functional departments lack cooperation with the communities or streets where they are located, resulting in unclear rights and responsibilities and mutual shirk.

Moreover, the construction of relevant policies and local regulations is not perfect, resulting in "nowhere to manage if you want to" or even "don't know where to start first".

Take multiple measures to break the vicious circle

  To solve the problem of "three noes" in the community, it is necessary to form a long-term working mechanism in which the government, grass-roots party organizations, communities, property management and other relevant units work together, coordinate various resources, and concentrate on implementing and solving people's livelihood problems.

At the same time, it is necessary to gradually gnaw down the "hard bones" with refined governance thinking and "solve problems one problem at a time".

  First, the government supports professional property agencies to increase subsidies.

Feng Guobin, head of the Xizhan East Road Community, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province believes that through the government's purchase of social services, professional people manage it, and the "dirty, messy" problem faced by such communities can be quickly and effectively solved.

At the same time, ensure that the property agency and the community work together to ensure the basic needs of people's livelihood, and public benefits such as available parking spaces in the community will improve the community infrastructure and "feed back" community governance.

  The second is to speed up the process of renovation of old communities and shanty towns.

Li Xiuyi, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Xinxing Community in Suifenhe City, Heilongjiang Province, said that the renovation of the old community is the best solution to solve the "three noes" community.

Some "three-nothing" communities are adjacent to prosperous road sections. If the financial situation allows, priority should be given to demolition and resettlement of such communities.

  The third is to drive residents' self-governance through the leadership of party building.

Resident self-governance is an important way to solve the problem of "three noes" community governance, but at present it is indeed difficult for residents to set up industry committees and self-management committees by themselves.

Therefore, it is necessary to promote the power of party members and cadres in districts and counties to sink, and at the same time to gather the strength of party members and volunteers in the community, first do practical things for the community residents, win the trust of the residents, and then mobilize the enthusiasm of the residents to participate, and gradually resolve the "three noes" community industry committees Difficult problems will arise.

  Source: "Ban Yue Tan" Issue 8, 2022

  Ban Yue Tan Reporter: Dong Baosen, Cui Hanchao, Chen Luyuan, Xu Jinyu, Li Meijuan