When dealing with the refugees from the Ukraine, accommodation has priority for the black-green coalition in Hesse.

This emerges from a thirty-page action plan presented by the leading representatives of the government alliance on Tuesday.

Economics Minister Tarek Al-Wazir (The Greens) stated that many were initially accommodated privately.

But this great willingness to help on the part of the locals will not last indefinitely.

In addition, many Ukrainians cannot return to their hometowns because they are completely devastated and unrecognizable.

That is why we must continue to create affordable housing.

The state government has temporarily suspended many building regulations for existing buildings.

In addition, she will increase the planned budget for extending the commitment of social housing from 14 million to 17 million euros.

Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) reported that the state, together with the municipalities, had set up the first aid center in Frankfurt and other first accommodations in the districts.

In addition, capacities are also available in the initial reception center in Giessen.

According to the federal police, almost 400,000 refugees arrived in Germany and more than 53,000 in Hesse by Monday.

8100 unoccupied accommodation places

Around 8,100 accommodation places have not yet been occupied, according to Bouffier.

But it doesn't stay that way.

"There is nothing to suggest that the refugee movement will end in the foreseeable future." The associated challenge will continue for years to come.

Hesse will receive an amount of 150 million euros from the federal government and will have to spend at least 200 million euros itself.

But there are also refugees from other countries who are already there.

"We also want to treat them properly." However, the federal government stopped providing financial support for this at the beginning of the year.

The Prime Ministers wanted to discuss this with the Federal Chancellor at their next conference in early June.

The current action plan is based on the concept that the coalition drafted five years ago to deal with the refugee crisis, explained the two parliamentary group leaders Ines Claus (CDU) and Tarek Al-Wazir (The Greens).

It ranges from the initial admission to explanatory films in which, for example, it is explained in Ukrainian why liability insurance is important.

Because many people have brought pets with them, solutions that are hygienically justifiable must also be found, says Bouffier.

Every second Ukrainian with a university degree

After the refugees in the middle of the last decade were mainly young men, it is now mainly women, children and the elderly who are coming.

That is why legally agreed standards for childcare in daycare centers would be temporarily adjusted.

There is already a state program for language support in kindergarten age, which is being expanded.

"Mastering the German language is the key to comprehensive social participation," emphasized the Prime Minister.

This applies to children, pupils and students, but also to adults who want to start their careers.

According to the Federal Employment Agency, most Ukrainians are very well educated.

About every second of them has a university education.

"With the right support, they should quickly find their way onto the German labor market," believes Al-Wazir.

This requires the rapid and uniform recognition of Ukrainian professional and educational qualifications.

Existing labor market programs to promote education and qualification projects would be opened up.

Bouffier recalled the additional duties of the police.

The refugees should not become victims of criminals.

That is why the officials were increasingly present at the emergency shelters and initial reception facilities in the country and drew attention to the dangers with multilingual flyers.

The police must protect Ukrainian, but also Russian facilities in Hesse.

And she had to keep an eye on the emotions that would be triggered in the members of the different nations.

"Anyone who just watches 'Russia Today' all day is convinced that Ukraine started the war," said Bouffier.