Perhaps national road 66 between Västerås and Sälen can be the first longer transport route that has been completely adapted for charging electric trucks.

In any case, it is hoped that the group of municipalities that are now applying for grants from the Swedish Energy Agency to make this possible.

- It is called the green road to Sälen, says Fredrik Jarl (C) who is a municipal councilor in Gagnef municipality.

Double benefit for mountain traffic

Even though highway 66 does not go more than through a corner of his municipality, he is still very positive about the initiative.

For Gagnef's part, it is a double interest in that RV66 and E16 are partly the same stretch of road within that municipality.

There will be a double benefit for mountain traffic if you place a charging station in a strategic place.

- Fänforsen is a place that we think can fit well, where there is both a nature rest area and a restaurant available for those who have stopped to recharge, says Jarl.

Hear him tell more in the clip about why it is important to be able to load both heavy and light vehicles along this road!