“You need to choose meat very carefully.

If this is a legal point, a market, then, as a rule, the meat passes veterinary control, but you still need to look at the piece.

It is important to determine if there is stickiness.

It happens that the meat is weathered on top: you can ask the seller to make an incision and smell it.

If there is no unpleasant smell, we take it.

You need to examine the piece from all sides: if there is fat, then it should not be yellow, ”

— said the doctor.

When it comes to ready-made shish kebab, the expert recommended “to look especially carefully at the manufacturer and date.”

“Sometimes they put veins, fat, a lot of onions in a bucket with a barbecue, you can hardly see the meat there.

You need to understand that in such buckets, as a rule, not quite high-quality and fresh meat is sold.

A possible unpleasant smell and appearance is drowned out by spices.

The composition on the package should be as simple as possible: meat, vinegar, onion, salt, pepper,

the expert explained.

When cooking barbecue, the nutritionist advised to bake the meat, and not to fry it, it is important that there is no burnt crust.

To marinate the meat yourself, you only need to use onions, salt and pepper, Solomatina added.

“You can pickle using sour fruits: kiwi, sour tangerines,” said the interlocutor of RT.

In addition, she reminded: if you often eat such meat, it can cause certain health problems - up to the development of oncology.

“But a large number of vegetables compensates for the negative effect of meat on the digestive tract - this meat will be better digested.

Meat should be eaten in portions: we ate two or three pieces - and we move as much as possible - badminton, ball, run, do not sit still.

It is better to drink either water or berry fruit drinks to replenish the fluid level in the body and digest heavy meat, ”

- said Solomatina.

She also added that mayonnaise salads and fatty snacks should be avoided.

Earlier it became known that in Russia the so-called barbecue set - a traditional picnic dish and means for its preparation - costs customers an average of 2,484 rubles.