Ever since 2012, interest in camping has increased in Sweden, with the exception of the year 2020, which was a bad year for Sweden's campsites.

Just like other activities in the hospitality industry, the number of guests and revenue decreased during the beginning of the pandemic.

In total, approximately 4 million guest nights were lost.

But by the end of the pandemic, the Swedes had opened their eyes to camping again and 2021 was instead a record year.

Statistics from Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth show that the number of guest nights at Swedish campsites increased by almost 20 percent.

High booking pressure

And it seems to be getting better.

Already this year, you see a higher booking pressure is last year.

- It looks really good this year and I almost dare to say that this will be a record year, says Peter Jonasson, CEO of SCR Svensk Camping,

July most popular

Now the booking pressure is higher than ever.

According to Peter, people are more likely to book their campsites on time.

Therefore, there is also higher competition for the campsites at the most popular destinations, especially during July which is the month that peaks the high season.

- I would advise everyone to be out in good time, says Peter.

Another reason for a potential record year is that sales of both motorhomes and caravans increased last year, which may result in even more visits to the Swedish campsites in the summer of 2022.