• Education The Government will allow for the first time in history that teachers become civil servants through three different routes

  • Education The examinations of the opposition to professor will no longer be eliminatory and the experience will count more than before



government and that of


, both socialists, disagree on the stabilization of interim teachers of

the English Learning Program (PAI

) that will be voted on today in the

Provincial Parliament


The Ministry of Education does not like a process that establishes requirements that are not contemplated in the basic legislation and supposes the creation of its own teaching officials, in parallel to the state bodies.

The regional bill presented by the


seeks to make 350 temporary workers permanent, taking advantage of the state regulation of December 2021 to reduce temporary employment in public employment.

But it requires as a condition that applicants accredit a level of English, despite the fact that "the state regulations for admission to teachers do not provide for the requirement of this requirement."

Since the end of 2019, the Navarrese minister

Carlos Gimeno

has met several times with the Ministry to seek "an agreed solution" and try to convince him to give state legal coverage to this requirement, but the Department headed by Minister Pilar Alegría "does not see it " feasible.

That is why Navarra has decided to do it at its own risk, appealing to its "self-government".

“We have held several meetings and what they are proposing is not feasible,” explain ministerial sources, adding that their own teaching bodies can only be created under very specific conditions and the requirement of knowing English to be a civil servant cannot be introduced.

Not integrated into state bodies

The bill indicates that “jobs will be subject to the regime” of Navarre, instead of state legislation.

It prevents these officials from competing outside of Navarra, unlike what happens with the rest of public workers in Spain.

And it establishes that "the Government of Navarra will carry out the necessary procedures to achieve the integration of the selected official personnel in the teaching bodies referred

to in the Education Law


“This law breaks the entire state civil service system.

It opens the door for the rest of the Autonomous Communities to create their own bodies.



can arrive and create a profile of teachers with knowledge of the sardana that teachers from other autonomies cannot access, ”denounces

Mario Gutiérrez

, from



«It generates serious doubts about its compatibility with the fundamental regulations of the State.

The Constitution places the guarantee of equality in access to the public function on the State.

It could lead to discriminatory treatment with respect to the rest of the Autonomous Communities”, UGT

sources warn


Most of the unions reject the Navarrese law.








demonstrated on Tuesday in front of the Provincial Parliament and the CCOO also questions it.

They recall that the additional provisions 6th and 7th of the


make it clear that "it is up to the Government to create teaching specialties" and that "the Autonomous Communities will order their public function respecting the basic rules."

"Reduce time"

Counselor Gimeno defends, for his part, that the regional powers support the change.

«We did not want to do it, but it is the only possible way to reduce temporary work, which reaches 70%.

We have tried to modify the state law but it has not been possible », he expresses.

He maintains that there is a precedent, years ago, when the

Pamplona City Council

assumed some ikastolas of social initiative and made contracted workers work;

later they came to depend on the Navarrese Government.

But the unions remember that Catalonia tried a similar strategy after approving its Education Law in 2009 and it was appealed and won by the Ministry.

The regional regulation of the PSN will presumably go ahead with the support of

Navarra Suma

, in exchange for the PAI becoming its own linguistic modality.

Geroa Bai


EH Bildu

will vote against.

Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

Know more

  • Navarre

  • UGT

  • Bildu

  • THE A

  • CCOO

  • Navarre Sum

  • ERTE

  • Education

  • Pillar Joy

  • Secondary Education

  • Articles Olga R. Sanmartin