A 27-year-old woman and a 21-year-old man were sentenced on Monday to 18 months in prison suspended for violence by the criminal court of Compiègne (Oise), reports

Le Parisien


The facts tried date back to April 18.

That day, the two defendants violently assaulted a motorist and his passenger after the defendant had been honked while crossing an avenue outside the pedestrian crossing.

After the horn sounded, the young woman got into her car to follow the driver.

She also called her ex-husband for help.

The passenger violently bitten on the thumb

As the victims' car stopped at a roundabout, a violent fight broke out.

According to the driver, who injured his elbow, the 21-year-old defendant hit him with a tire iron.

The honking young woman, meanwhile, pulled the passenger's hair and bit the thumb.

The latter had to undergo surgery and still has some after-effects.

The two victims remain traumatized by the attack, the two convicted defendants living in the same neighborhood as them.


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  • Compiegne

  • Hauts-de-France

  • Miscellaneous facts

  • Assault

  • Violence

  • Justice