In November 2018, the council in Luleå made the decision to build a new bathhouse for SEK 140 million near Hertsö center outside Luleå.

But the material and transport costs are skyrocketing and the bathhouse bill is now up to 185 million, an increase of 45 million kronor or 32 percent.

"We can stop the proposal"

On Monday, the municipal board's working committee therefore discussed the issue of an expanded investment framework for the project and a divided group of politicians hammered through the proposal with the numbers 3-2.

- We do not think this is financially defensible.

We believe that the increase in costs may be negative for maintenance and the desire to keep the bathhouses in Gammelstad and Råneå, but I think we can stop this at the council meeting on 23 May, says group leader Samuel Ek (KD).

- There is a great need for a bathhouse on Hersön, among other things for the sake of swimming lessons and that is why we voted in favor, but an increase of SEK 45 million is starting to approach the pain threshold, says Nina Berggård (V), member of the municipal board's working committee.

"Will be a political battle"

The Social Democrats, the Left Party and the Justice Party are in favor of building the bathhouse - despite the increase in prices.

The Moderates, the Liberals, the Center Party, the Christian Democrats and the Rural Party are against, but not all parties have officially declared their color yet before the council meeting in May.

But if the three yes-saying parties stick together and vote according to the parties' lines, they will get 32 ​​out of 61 votes.

An overweight voice then.

- There will be a political battle over this, says the center's group leader Carola Lidén.

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Samuel Ek (KD) represents that of the parties in Luleå City Council that do not want to pay for the bathhouse on Hertsön.

Photo: Micke Nyberg / SVT