During the months that I followed the French election and traveled around the country, I have been struck by how unpopular Macron is.

From several quarters: Of those who think that immigration is too great, those who are worried about what they call the "Islamization" of France and those who disagree that the EU can rule over France. 

And so those who are cursed for lowering the income tax for the richest, loosening labor law and wanting to raise the retirement age.

Common to most is that they think he is an arrogant elitist, who provoked with statements such as "I want to fuck with the unvaccinated" and "it's just to cross the street and get a job".

At the same time, unemployment in France is lower than when he took office and the economy is doing relatively well, despite the pandemic.

And on the international stage, he has stepped forward as EU leader, in the vacuum after Merkel.

He tried - in vain - to negotiate with Putin, he pushes for greater European cooperation, and his vision of a more independent EU - military and self-sufficient in food, energy and key components - feels much closer to many now after the outbreak of war.

A sigh of relief

In Brussels and among many EU countries, a sigh of relief was drawn tonight.

I have noticed a genuine concern among those working in the institutions in Brussels recently - would it be a new shock, as with Trump and Brexit?

A right-wing nationalist at the helm of the EU's second largest country?

Who, admittedly, no longer wants to leave the Union, but wants to change it fundamentally, remove supranationalism?

How would it go with the agreement against Russia that has been so strong?

And domestically, the ban on veils in public places, what are the consequences - when Macron warned of civil war?

Macron described the election as a referendum on the EU, the climate and the values ​​of the republic.

And perhaps it was the concern about what Le Pen as president could lead to that gave Macron the victory, rather than enthusiasm for his own policies - although of course there are those who like it, he came after all number one in the first round. 

Now he gets another five years.

The first five were marked by crises: terrorist attacks, yellow vests, pandemics, wars.

The next five will need to be characterized by trying to heal the wounded conflicts in the country.

Otherwise, the noise outside my hotel room is now just a mild foretaste of what awaits.