It is great for all of us to exercise, but as we age, the efficiency of muscles and body systems does not become the same as it was before, so sports experts warn against sports practices that may be harmful at older ages.

As people reach their 60s, an active and healthy lifestyle is more important than ever, and the reason is that we lose muscle mass over time.

Additionally, our metabolism goes down, and so does our daily fitness if we don't do anything to keep it right, which is why it's so important to do fitness exercises and work to keep our cardio functioning regularly.

Unhealthy habits and exercises

However, there are unhealthy habits and exercises that you may practice in your sixties and need to stop or re-evaluate, according to what the Deutsche Welle website quoted from the American website “It That.. Not That”.

If you're in your forties or fifties and have been active for a while, that's great!

But beware, you may have some unhealthy exercise habits that you may have to consider quitting as you cross into your sixties.

Here are some unhealthy exercise habits at this point in life, advised by Tim Liu, a fitness trainer and nutritionist from Los Angeles:

1- Skip the warm-up and stretching exercises

As you get older, the importance of joint health and flexibility becomes more important, so it is very important with age and before starting sports exercises, to make sure to do warm-up and stretching exercises for the muscles so that you do not get any tears.

Take just 10 minutes to perform those gentle workouts that will have you ready to perform your workout safely.

2- Lifting heavy weights

Although some may like to challenge themselves with weightlifting, your training should change a little in your 60s.

Lifting a heavy weight in 3 to 5 repetitions can be done quite easily when you're younger, but as you get older, your joints tend to wear down a lot over the years.

If you want to exercise and continue training without pain and without injuries, you must choose the appropriate weight that is challenging at your age.

3- Doing painful exercises

Any movements you make that cause you pain or discomfort should be eliminated and replaced with other exercises.

You may have been able to do certain movements when you were younger, but over time you can no longer do so without pain or injury.

For example, you can change the training pattern for the arms by training the triceps with less stress and at a lower rate.

Also, be careful during your back and shoulder exercises, so don't try to be too hard on yourself.

4- Focus on one type of training

It's easy to keep doing what you love in your workouts and it's very common, but as you get older it's important to make sure you do exercises that cover all parts of your body as much as possible.

Do you lift weights all the time and only in specific areas?

With age it becomes inappropriate to do so.

You should diversify the exercises you do and not care about one muscle at the expense of the other, and it is not correct to exercise one part of the body for a longer period of time than the rest of the parts and muscles.