<Anchor> The

Ukrainian government estimates that up to 20,000 civilians have been killed in Mariupol.

Ukraine has proposed special talks with Russia.

In the midst of this, the U.S. State and Defense Ministers are visiting the Ukrainian capital of Kiiu. 

Correspondent Kim Ki-tae.

<Reporter> This

is a picture of Mariupol, a port city in southern Ukraine, released by the Ukrainian paramilitary organization Azou Regiment.

Most of the buildings have been burned down and are horribly torn apart.

Mariupol is now an uninhabitable ruin, with both food and electricity cut off.

The Ukrainian government estimates that up to 20,000 civilians have been killed in Mariupol so far.

Mariupol Mayor Vadim Wojchenko said: "The greatest war crimes of the 21st century took place in Mariupol."

[Deputy Commander of the Azou Regiment: Even on Great Easter, Russian forces continue to attack Mariupol.]

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin visit Kiiu, the capital of Ukraine.

President Zelensky emphasized that he was also waiting for a visit from the US president.

[Zelensky/President of Ukraine: Americans come here.

Secretary of State Tony Blincoln and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin will be meeting with me here.]

The Russian army continues bombardment in various parts of Ukraine, including the Azoustal Works in Mariupol, where the last protest is continuing.

Ukraine has proposed to Russia to hold special talks near the Azoustal Works.