The wife of the

forensic media expert José Cabrera

, one of the usual collaborators of the program Cuarto Milenio, by Iker Jiménez, has died after choking on a carrot.

According to Vanitatis, the marriage was in a restaurant in Marbella, where they were on vacation, when

she choked on a piece of carrot

that caused "stuckness in the glottis", and subsequent suffocation.

Although everything possible was done to revive her, it was not possible.

Vanitatis contacted Dr. Cabrera, who is "in shock" after what happened.

"He has been so unexpected that I can't say anything

," said the regular contributor to various television programs.

The couple, who have a daughter, spent their holidays in Marbella for more than 20 years.

Despite the sad event, Cabrera, a doctor of medicine, a specialist in psychiatry and forensic legal medicine, has normally attended the programs in which he collaborates.

This same Thursday

he was in the Fourth Millennium

because, as he explained to the aforementioned medium, "life goes on."

Iker Jiménez has left this Friday a message of encouragement to the doctor on his Twitter account.

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