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Sibylle Anderl

Editor in the feuilleton, responsible for the "Nature and Science" department.

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Joachim Müller-Jung

Editor in the feuilleton, responsible for the "Nature and Science" department.

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Please send questions and suggestions to: wissenschaft@faz.de

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The papers for this podcast episode:

  • Edward Bernays: "Propaganda - The Art of Public Relations" (1928), orange press

  • The Institute for Propaganda Analysis, Ed.: Alfred Lee, Elizabeth Lee, "The Fine Art of Propaganda" (1939), Harcourt, Brace and Company New York

  • David E. Broockman, Joshua Kalla: "The manifold effects of partisan media on viewers' beliefs and attitudes: A field experiment with Fox News viewers*", 3.4.22, preprint

  • Beth Anne Helgason, Daniel Effron: "It might become true: How prefactual thinking licenses dishonesty", Journal of personality and social psychology

  • Timo Spinde et al.: "How do we raise media bias aware effectively? Effects of visualization to communicate bias", Plos One, 13.4.22,