In order to prevent the damage of being forced to appear in adult videos, the work teams of both the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party have announced that they can unconditionally cancel the contract for a certain period after shooting, regardless of age or gender. I have summarized the outline of the bill.

It has been pointed out that the reduction in the adult age may increase the damage that new adults 18 and 19 years old will be forced to appear in adult videos by not being able to use the right to cancel the contract later. I am.

Working teams from both the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party, who are considering countermeasures, have put together a draft of a new bill that will take drastic measures regardless of age or gender, as damage will have a long-term impact. rice field.

In the outline plan, it is obligatory to conclude a contract that specifies the required actions for each work that appears, and the clause that harms the interests of the performer is invalidated.

On top of that, it will not be possible to shoot for a certain period after signing the contract, and it will be possible to unconditionally cancel the contract for a certain period after shooting.

In addition, it also includes that even if you consent in advance, you will not be able to act against your will, and you will not be liable for damages if you cancel the contract.

The working team wants to coordinate with the opposition based on the outline and submit the bill to the current Diet in the form of a member's legislation.