The new report on Salafism and Salafist jihadism in Sweden has been produced at the Swedish National Defense College on behalf of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).

It includes a number of different sub-projects from researchers at authorities and universities. 

- A worrying development is that Salafist and Salafist-jihadist individuals have begun to seek refuge in authorities and municipalities, which in turn can be used as a method to exert influence from within, says Magnus Ranstorp, associate professor and editor of the report.

Expand indication system

In the report, the local communities in Borås, Gothenburg and Gävle have also been studied in detail through interviews with the police, social services and other municipal actors.

According to the report, there is a great impact on especially girls and women from the Salafist environment.

This includes what clothes or activities they may wear. 

- We see a fairly extensive problem linked to social control and a fairly widespread reporting system against especially girls and women who violate these Salafist norms, says Peder Hyllengren

Want to see tighter control  

According to the report's authors, control over the payment of grants to associations needs to be tightened to ensure that money is not paid out incorrectly or goes to undemocratic associations.

Magnus Ranstorp also wants to see a national survey of how common the religious elements are when it comes to honor killings.

- We should not restrict anyone's democratic freedoms and rights, and within Salafism there are these restrictions and influence, especially on women and children who go against this set of values, says Magnus Ranstorp.