A proposal that is part of SD's 30-point program means that entire families' residence permits can be revoked if an individual engages in serious crime.

- It was a blissful mix of tough measures, but it was well expected that you would come here today and present that kind of tough and far-reaching proposals - but which are actually completely impossible to implement, says Muharrem Demirok (C). 

It has now been a few days since the riots in Skäggetorp.

What is the most important thing going forward so that it does not happen again?

- First, everyone who has participated in the riots must be prosecuted.

These perpetrators of violence must feel the harshest punishment in society, and by that I mean not only prison sentences but also from the civilian part of society as authorities, municipalities and regions.

They must all take strong action against these individuals who have chosen to stand outside the framework of society, he says. 

Hear more in the clip above what Muharrem Demirok (C) thinks about SD's proposal.    

During the Easter weekend, Skäggetorp was hit on two occasions by violent riots in connection with the right-wing extremist party Stram kurs holding demonstrations.