A man was sentenced on Tuesday to one year in prison under the semi-freedom regime by the criminal court of Avignon (Vaucluse).

He was found guilty of contempt of law enforcement.

The facts took place on the night of Thursday to Friday at Pontet (Vaucluse).

The respondent was riding a motorcycle, says

Le Dauphiné Libéré


Alcohol and insults

The 41-year-old defendant fell in front of municipal police officers.

Police then arrived on the scene.

The drunk biker initially uttered incomprehensible words.

He finally insulted the soldiers and refused to allow them to measure his blood alcohol level.

The 40-year-old was taken into custody and then remanded in custody.

He no longer had a driving license since 2008. The biker was also on probation and in a state of recidivism.

He will have to compensate the gendarmes and received an obligation of care and work.


Orléans: Sentenced for driving drunk after celebrating his driving license


Vannes: Drunk at the wheel, he is arrested with a phone in one hand and a beer in the other

  • Avignon

  • Constable

  • Conviction

  • Insult

  • Miscellaneous facts