Ten nervous participants went to Kockum in Malmö on Wednesday to check out the swimming test.

Usually you book an appointment with a bath host at the bathhouse, but this time there were police on site in the swimming pool.

- We have booked courses and you can come here and get some tips from us and the opportunity to do the test, says Lina Kronström who is the regional coordinator for the attractor assignment.

In the clip, you can follow during the test and see how it went for several of the aspirants.

National investment

Swimming is part of a national initiative where the police try to attract more people to the profession.

Malmö is first out in the South region, but in other places they have tried to have similar swimming opportunities with the police.

- There has been great interest and for us it is very fun to meet new people who want to become police officers.

You can see how they really fight in the water, says Lina Kronström.

Nine out of ten passed the test.

Several from the police were on site to pep and support.

One of the applicants failed for the first time but decided to try again and was then approved.

Photo: Johan Dernelius / SVT