A company in the United States has been forced to pay large sums of money for refusing to comply with an employee's request not to hold a birthday party.


The third search term for clicking is '500 million in compensation for a birthday party'.

Kevin Burling asked the company not to hold a birthday party in 2019 because he has an anxiety disorder.

However, some of his co-workers were organizing a party in the break room, and when Mr. Burling learned of this, he panicked and quietly spent lunch in his car instead of in the break room.

But during the interview the next day, his bosses took issue with his behavior.

At the time, Mr. Burling had a panic attack, clenched his fists and shouted to be quiet.

Feeling unfair, Burling filed a lawsuit against the company for discrimination against the disabled, and at the end of the trial, the jury found that Burling had been subjected to unfavorable employment-related measures because of his disability and that the company should pay compensation of about 550 million won.

Netizens commented, “Who is the birthday party for?

Please don't do it if you don't want to." and "Our society must learn to respect others."