The president of the PNV Andoni Ortuzar has directly blamed the PSOE and the PP for having facilitated the entry into the Government of

Castilla y León

of the "fachas de Vox" and has urged both parties to agree on a "minimum" to isolate the Santiago party Abascal.

Ortuzar frames the agreement reached by Fernández Mañueco as a "symptom of the deterioration" of politics in Spain and of the "selfishness" of the two parties.

Ortuzar has used the central act of the celebration of the

Aberri Eguna

(Day of the Basque Homeland created by Sabino Arana on Easter Sunday in 1932) to disqualify the presence of Vox in the Government of Castilla y León.

Just two days before his inauguration as president of Mañueco, the Basque nationalist leader has assured that "it is not too late" to "leave the extreme right out of the game."

"The PNV will always lend a hand for that democratic safeguard, but never, ever will anyone see us hand in hand, or close, to the Vox fascists or those who deal with them," Ortuzar said in a message that can condition the relations between the PNV and the PP of Feijóo.

Ortuzar and Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu have starred in a rally held in Bilbao's Plaza Nueva without express appeals to the "independence" of Euskadi and with continuous references to the situation in Ukraine and the Sahara.

In fact, the nationalist president has also used the change of criteria imposed by Pedro Sánchez with the former Spanish colony to claim the "freedom" of peoples such as the Saharawi, the Basque and the Ukrainian to decide their future.

"Believing in a free and fair Euskadi must also make us want a free and fair Ukraine and a free and fair Sahara", Ortuzar stated before his militants and supported by all the organic and institutional positions of the PNV.

The nationalist president has used the Russian invasion of Ukraine to highlight his differences with EH Bildu.

Ortuzar has come to assure that he is "ashamed" that the Otegi coalition does not condemn Putin's decision.

Despite the harsh words against EH Bildu's ambiguous position regarding the invasion of Ukraine, Ortuzar has used the agreement on the bases of the future Education Law reached with the Otegi party, the Basque PSOE and with Podemos to " lend a hand" to the Basque pro-independence party.

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  • Ukraine

  • vox

  • PSOE

  • GNP

  • Bildu

  • Occidental Sahara

  • Castile and Leon

  • Inigo Urkullu

  • Santiago Abascal Count

  • Pedro Sanchez

  • Lion

  • Andoni Ortuzar

  • Can

  • Basque Country Elections