


Wherever the Social Democrats shape society, we must level it to the ground ", tweets the Sweden Democrats' legal policy spokesman Adam Marttinen.

In a series of Twitter posts, Minister of Justice and Home Affairs Morgan Johansson (S) also covers the events in Linköping and Norrköping.

"It is unacceptable to react with this serious violence.

It is good that the police have acted resolutely to take care of the perpetrators of violence and maintain order ", he writes, and continues:

"Most people in the vulnerable areas just want peace and quiet and live their lives."

"It costs far too little to go to a police officer"

"Thieves who smash police cars and attack police officers must be prosecuted and sentenced to severe punishment.

It costs far too little to go to a police officer today ", tweets the Moderates' legal policy spokesman Johan Forssell.

Martin Marmgren is a police officer, legal policy spokesman and Member of Parliament for the Green Party and writes on Twitter:

If you retire from your own vehicles which are then vandalized, it is not "calm" but lost control.


The police must keep the monopoly of violence on the citizens. "