A 25-year-old man was sentenced in immediate appearance on Wednesday to 15 days of criminal imprisonment with partial probation.

He had failed to run over his wife's lover in a parking lot at Carré Sénart in Lieusaint (Seine-et-Marne), reports

La République de Seine-et-Marne


That day, his wife had explained to him that she was going to be home late because of her work.

electronic spy

Suspecting her of infidelity for some time, the respondent had installed a "tracker" on her phone.

He thus realized that his wife was not at his desk.

Embarking on their two children, he then went to the parking lot where he had located her.

The young woman was in a car with a man.

The Francilien beat up his wife's lover and, on leaving, almost ran him over in the car.

Arrested shortly after, he was transferred to the Moissy-Cramayel police station (Seine-et-Marne) where he partially acknowledged the facts.

CCTV footage positively identified him.

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