What happens to the fasting person if he drinks a large amount of water at breakfast quickly?

What is the maximum drinking rate of water per hour?

What is water poisoning?

The answers and more are in this report.

What happens to the fasting person if he drinks a large amount of water at breakfast quickly?

Drink a large amount of water at breakfast once - 6 glasses for example;

Any liter and a half - may lead to the following:

  • Fatigue and exhaustion.

  • Confusion in the stomach, which is in a state of rest during fasting, and then is shocked by the entry of a large amount of water.

  • If a person eats food with this large amount of water, they may also develop flatulence.

What happens to the fasting person if he drinks a large amount of water at suhoor quickly?

  • Fatigue and exhaustion.

  • puff.

  • During the subsequent hours, the person will have to go to the bathroom to urinate several times, and will not benefit much - for the most part - from the large amount of water that he drank quickly.

How much water is recommended for a fasting person to drink for breakfast?

One to two cups with a few dates, then he can pray, then eat breakfast and start with soup.

After that, it is recommended to distribute the amount of water and drink it throughout the period between Iftar and Suhoor.

How much water is recommended for a fasting person to drink at Suhoor?

There is no recommendation that applies to everyone, for example, you can drink two cups, but the most important thing is to eat foods that contain water, which remain in the digestive system and from which the body absorbs water slowly, and thus keeps the body hydrated for a longer period, such as:

  • watermelon

  • Option

  • tomatoes

  • cantaloupe

  • orange

  • grapes

  • Vegetable soup

What is the maximum drinking rate of water in one hour?

According to Harvard University, the general rule of thumb for healthy people is to drink 2 to 3 cups of water per hour, or more if you sweat heavily.

How much water should you drink per day?

The general daily rule is to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water or fluids per day, for healthy people. This includes water or other fluids such as juices and soups.

In the case of fasting or hot weather, it is assumed that a larger amount is drunk.

On the other hand, if you are sick your doctor may recommend drinking more or less.

Drinking too much water and water poisoning

Drinking a large amount of water within a short period of time may lead to water poisoning, a condition that causes symptoms such as nausea and confusion, according to a report by Adrian Seitz on the website "Medical News Today".

What is water poisoning?

Water poisoning - also known as water toxicity - is a disorder in brain function resulting from excessive drinking of water, as this leads to an increase in the amount of water in the blood, which in turn reduces the "electrolytes" in the blood, especially sodium. Sodium levels fall below 135 mmol/L, this condition is known by doctors as hyponatremia.

The author explained that sodium plays a role in balancing fluids in cells between the inside and the outside, and when excessive water consumption moves fluid from outside the cell to the inside, which causes its swelling, and when this happens in brain cells, it becomes a dangerous and life-threatening matter.

Dangers of drinking too much water

When a person consumes an excessive amount of water and his brain cells begin to swell, pressure on the skull increases, causing symptoms of water intoxication.

Symptoms of water poisoning:

  • headache;

  • nausea;

  • vomiting;

Severe cases of water intoxication can lead to more serious symptoms such as:

  • drowsiness;

  • Hypertension.

  • Vision disturbance.

  • shortness of breath.

  • Water poisoning can also lead to cerebral edema, which is the accumulation of fluid in the brain, which can affect the stem structure of the brain and cause malfunctions in the central nervous system. In severe cases, water poisoning can cause seizures, brain damage, coma, and even death. .

What causes water poisoning?

Water poisoning is rare, and as previously mentioned, drinking a lot of water does not come by chance, however it remains possible, as there have been many medical reports of deaths resulting from excessive drinking of water.

In this context, the report states that water intoxication particularly affects people participating in athletic competitions or endurance training, as well as people with certain mental health conditions.

Sporting events and water poisoning

The author adds that water intoxication is especially common among endurance athletes, and it occurs when a person drinks large amounts of water that does not properly match the electrolytes that are lost, which is why hyponatraemia often occurs during major sports competitions.

According to one study, of the 488 participants in the 2002 Boston Marathon, 13 athletes suffered from hyponatremia, and water poisoning that occurred at the event caused the death of one athlete.

Water poisoning and mental health

Excessive drinking of water can be due to psychogenic polydipsia, a symptom of mental health conditions. This problem is common among people with schizophrenia, but it may also appear in people with emotional disorders, psychosis or personality disorders.

Water poisoning can be fatal

There have been many cases of deaths from excessive water intake, and people who are at risk of dying from water poisoning are those who participate in sports competitions, endurance training or military training, and it is unlikely that a person will die from excessive water drinking without doing something else along with it.

When do you exceed the necessary amount of water?

Excessive drinking of water or water poisoning occurs when a person drinks an amount of water that exceeds the amount that the kidneys can eliminate through urine, but the amount of water is not the only factor where time plays a role in this, and the writer gives an example, where a 22-year-old person was injured A year-old is in good health with water poisoning after drinking 6 liters of water within 3 hours, while a nine-year-old girl was exposed to this after drinking 3.6 liters in a period ranging between one and two hours.

Prevention of water poisoning

Drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication, but it is a rare condition that only occurs in athletes.

However, there are no official guidelines on how much water to drink, and in order to prevent water poisoning, some sources recommend drinking no more than 0.8 to 1.0 liters of water per hour, or 3 to 4 cups, according to the author.