The long waiting times to apply for a passport and national ID card have created attention and frustration in recent weeks.

It has even led to people spending the night outside the police station at Arlanda in the hope of getting a temporary passport.

Now the police announce via their website that the opening hours of the country's passport offices will be extended after the Easter weekend.

This in turn will lead to almost a doubling of the number of available times to apply for a passport.

- We work widely to improve the situation.

From Monday and then gradually, we will extend the opening hours and the opportunity to book pass times even outside office hours, says Per Engström, national commander of the national special event Pass, in an article on the police website.

To avoid mass bookings of times that are then resold, the person who books time needs to fill in their social security number.

The next step may be to introduce a Bank ID when booking, according to the police.

Recruitment of just over 400 passport officers is also underway.