Not only obese people suffer from weight problems, but thin people also face nutritional and life problems.

It may not sound familiar, but the figures indicate that there are nearly 30 million people in the United States who suffer from underweight problems, and one person dies every hour as a result of eating disorders.

The suffering of these people emerges in Ramadan, as they lose more weight at an amazing speed, and sometimes they come out of that month with a major setback that causes them to lose a severe appetite.

In this report, we learn about the nutritional guide for a skinny person in Ramadan.

Eating disorders and thinness

There are many causes of thinness, some pathological and some genetic, and may be due to anorexia nervosa or bulimia.

Although the course of treatment for each of them is different, everyone shares the necessity of gaining weight in a healthy manner.

The first path to gaining weight in Ramadan is to get a great deal of rest during the fasting period, and to avoid strenuous and tiring work that requires great muscular effort during fasting hours.

Weight gain with exercise

Exercising contributes to building muscle through resistance exercises and lifting weights after breakfast, as it increases the muscle mass of the body if combined with an appropriate portion of protein after exercise.

Exercising contributes to building muscles and then building a healthy body (German)

Nutritional notes

Eating large amounts of food is difficult for those who suffer from thinness, especially eating sugar, so they can follow the following nutritional tips:

Replace sugar with sweetened condensed milk, because it contains high calories and high nutritional value.

Adding powdered milk to cow’s milk while preparing hot drinks such as tea, coffee, and instant coffee.

Ramadan drinks such as dates with milk can be enjoyed with the addition of three tablespoons of powdered milk in the cup to raise the nutritional value, and add more calories and proteins to the drink.

One of the most important tips in any diet is to divide the daily meals into small portions, if a skinny person suffers from a loss of appetite during the iftar hours between sunset and dawn, this can be overcome by stopping eating before feeling Fullness, and with a slight sense of hunger, which prompts a thin person to eat a snack of fruits or sweets a few hours after breakfast.

Breakfast should not be finished completely, but should stop eating before feeling full (German)


The snack can include a plate of fruit salad, nuts, or a piece of fruit, so that a portion of the meal is the size of a palm.

Adding peanut butter and honey to fruits may be a solution to a high-calorie snack rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Protein shakes available in pharmacies contribute to building muscle mass that leads to weight gain, and some may resort to using appetizers in some cases, while some vitamins act as a natural appetite suppressant such as zinc, vitamin B-1 and omega-3.

The lack of these vitamins also causes a feeling of loss of appetite, according to "Medical News Today", and is accompanied by skin problems, hair loss, and a feeling of fatigue and stress from the slightest effort.

A thin person needs to eat three main meals and two snacks during the month of Ramadan, and those around him must understand that he cannot eat large quantities of food, or as many sweets as he is asked, and he should consult a doctor if he feels severe loss of appetite or continues to lose weight.