
A suspect who fired a smoke grenade and opened fire on a New York subway, injuring more than 20 people, has been arrested by local police.

Investigative authorities are investigating the exact motive for the crime, after confirming that the suspect has uploaded a video on social media that usually criticizes racism and foreshadows violence.

Correspondent Yunsu Kim from Washington.

[Reporter] The

New York Police Department said today that they have arrested 62-year-old Frank James, a suspect in a subway shooting on the streets of New York City this afternoon.

It's only been one day since the incident.

New York prosecutors immediately charged James with terrorism and other charges.

[Keychant Sewell / U.S. New York Police Commissioner: The suspect was arrested without much resistance and sent to the police station.

The suspect will be charged with committing a horrendous crime in Brooklyn yesterday.]

James is charged with injuring 23 people after detonating a smoke grenade inside a subway bound for Manhattan in New York City at around 8:30 a.m. yesterday .


Investigative authorities such as the police and FBI identified and wanted the suspect as they found James's credit card and rental car key at the crime scene right after the incident.

Investigation revealed that James had been arrested more than 10 times in the past on charges of robbery, sexual offenses and theft.

It has also been confirmed that he has uploaded several videos on YouTube accusing him of racism and foretelling violence.

[James (Suspect YouTube video): I want to kill people.

I want to see people die right in front of my eyes.]

The investigative authorities are also investigating whether there was another attack target along with the exact motive.