There is a lot of traffic on the Gävle-Tönnebro section during Easter when many travelers travel to and from the mountains.

The road is not built for this large amount of traffic and therefore the police and the Swedish Transport Administration, just as in previous years, have decided to ban overtaking on the stretch.

Good experience

- We have good experiences from the closure from previous years;

the motorists respected the overtaking ban and the traffic rolled on smoothly, says Emil Samuelsson, traffic engineer at the Swedish Transport Administration in a press release.

The overtaking ban applies in a northerly direction on Wednesday and Maundy Thursday between 1 pm and 10 pm. In the southbound on Easter Day and the second day of Easter at the same times.

Reduces the risk of accidents

The information will be available on the Swedish Transport Administration's and municipalities' digital information boards along the E4.

As in previous years, there will be signposted cars along the route.

The police will monitor the route.

- When everyone stays in the same lane, traffic flows much better, and we reduce the risk of queuing accidents with longer total stops.

This means that everyone arrives at their final destination faster, says Emil Samuelsson.