Thibaud Hue, edited by Thibault Nadal 7:41 p.m., April 09, 2022

While the first round of the election is being held this Sunday, April 10, several French people have not yet made the choice and are undecided, even considering not going to vote.

To fight against abstention, the Tous Élus association is mobilizing this weekend to convince the French to go to the polling stations.

Less than 24 hours from the presidential election, many French people are still undecided and do not know who they will vote for on Sunday.

To help them, several associations will mobilize to encourage the French to vote.

They put up, in particular, messages in the street with this message: "Go vote" or "Don't miss tomorrow's meeting". 

Convince the refractory

You can also find these associations at the exit of the metro, with a well-rehearsed speech, as explained by Ninon Lagarde, member of the association All elected: "We are on the practical side. We try to explain to people where they can vote, where they can find their polling station, until what time it is open, etc," she explains.

"For example, you meet a lot of people in the street, convinced of the need to have your voter's card to have the right to vote when it is not of much use and it does not is not at all obligatory to move", adds Ninon Lagarde.

But in their discourse, the members of the association do not try to convince or make the resisters feel guilty.

Rather, they seek to show everyone that voting is a simple, non-binding action.

>> Find Europe evening weekend in podcast and replay here

Avoid a record abstention rate

Tomorrow, the Tous Élus association will be in the streets of Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux or Strasbourg, but especially in neighborhoods where voters had massively shunned the ballot box five years ago.

They thus hope to reduce the rate of abstention which promises to be record.