Europe 1 with AFP 9:34 p.m., April 8, 2022

The National Commission for the Control of the Electoral Campaign and the Polling Commission on Friday called on voters to be "extremely careful" after the broadcast of SMS messages placing Eric Zemmour in the second round.

The two commissions asked the "media, platforms and social networks and individuals not to relay" these messages.

The National Commission for the Control of the Electoral Campaign and the Polling Commission on Friday called on voters to exercise "great caution" after the broadcast of SMS messages placing Eric Zemmour in the second round of the presidential election.

In a joint statement, the two commissions "call for the greatest caution on the messages which could circulate in relation to results referring to 'polls' but which do not constitute polls and cannot therefore take advantage of this term " .


- Macron hounded by Le Pen in the last polls of the first round

A fake survey sent by SMS to many people

They also asked "the media, platforms and social networks and individuals not to relay" these messages "which may constitute misleading information".

Just before the official end of the electoral campaign at midnight, this "fake poll", which sends Éric Zemmour to the second round, was sent by SMS to many people.

Some supporters of the far-right polemicist also relayed it on social networks.

LR candidate Valérie Pécresse immediately seized the Polls Commission and accused Eric Zemmour by name of "currently illegally broadcasting a fake poll by SMS".

"This SMS, unsolicited by its recipients and contravening all regulations relating to the protection of personal data, is not even signed by its author, suggesting a spontaneous or even informative dissemination," he explains. her in a statement.

"In addition, this communication is in total violation of the law of July 19, 1977 relating to the publication and dissemination of certain opinion polls," she adds.

“Indeed, it does not include the mandatory indications, such as the name of the organization and the sponsor, the number of people questioned, the date of its realization or the questions asked”, deplores Valérie Pécresse.