Hamza Abu Jheisheh is in ninth grade at Västra Stenhagenskolan, and this autumn the high school is waiting to take him closer to the dream of becoming a police officer.

The sixteen-year-old from Uppsala has fasted many times during Ramadan and he is usually tagged that this month will come.

- It's not just about refraining from eating and drinking, it's about getting closer to God and being the best version of oneself, he says.

Hamza Abu Jheisheh never hesitates to fulfill the fast, he believes that the religious motive behind it is crucial.

- Once I got sick, but I did not want to break.

If you want to fast, you do not interrupt no matter what, he says.

"Late nights together"

During the festival, not only does the family spend time together intensively, every day the whole family gathers to eat together after dark and early before dawn.

Hamza's family eats at 03 o'clock and then sleeps between 04 and 07:30.

- I am always close to my family, but during Ramadan we spend late nights together.

Someone wakes us up, we get up and eat, everyone is gathered at the dining table, he says.

At school, he may feel that his focus is getting worse due to lack of energy, but Hamza does not think it affects his studies.

- I do my studies just as well, but you have to be extra concentrated, he says.

In the clip: Follow Hamza one day during Ramadan.