Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 2022 3:55 p.m., April 07, 2022

Historically Yours brings together 3 characters who slammed the door: Edmonde Charles-Roux, a free, intractable and emancipated journalist who became a woman of letters crowned with the Goncourt prize who slammed the door of Vogue magazine that the management had ended up showing her.

Then, before her, well before even, she too slammed the door… of a kingdom: Queen Christine of Sweden who was there from the age of 6, but not for her whole life!

As she chose by proudly abdicating.

And a more modern, even ultra-modern “door knocker”: the sulphurous Jack Dorsey, the golden-boy who created Twitter .. and who also ended up resigning from Twitter

The guests :

- Dominique Saint-Pern,

journalist and novelist and author of "Edmonde, l'envolée" (Stock)

- Anna Moretti,

historian and author of the biography "Christine of Sweden" (Editions Ellipses)