Of all apples consumed in Sweden, only 20 percent are Swedish-grown.

93 percent of the Swedish apples come from Skåne.

Henrik Stridh is CEO of Äppelriket in Kivik and he wants Sweden to become more self-sufficient in apples.

The war in Ukraine puts further pressure on the industry.

- It is a security to have a larger production in Sweden.

We want to grow slowly, in step with our growers and customers.

If we were to increase self-sufficiency to 30 percent, it would be in three to six years.

If I order trees today, I will get the trees in two years and in another two years I will get that harvest, says Henrik Stridh.

Can store apples all year round

Swedish apples are delivered from Äppelriket all year round.

This is thanks to new cold rooms where temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels are regulated so that it suits the different apple varieties.

- This means that the fruit can be stored for a much longer time.

It is so modern that you can store apples now without adding anything.

We can store and deliver apples all year round, says Henrik Stridh.