A 39-year-old man was tried in immediate appearance this Wednesday before the Beauvais court (Oise).

He was suspected of having threatened his own mother with death before attacking the police who came to arrest him, reports  

L'Aisne Nouvelle


Seeing her son come home drunk and very angry, the defendant's mother called the police herself after being threatened.

When the agents arrived, the 30-year-old showed himself physically violent with one of them and threatened the other two, resisting his arrest.

Six months in prison despite apologies

At the hearing, the defendant's mother defended her despite the threats.

“He is a major traumatized brain victim, […] he has neuropsychic disorders and impaired discernment, she said, also recalling her recent suicide attempts.

His memory is gone.

He has no hatred for the police.


For his part, the mandated psychiatrist did not find any disturbance of discernment in the defendant, who was sentenced to six months in prison.

The three police officers were civil parties to the trial.


Oise: Three police officers under investigation for racist beatings and insults

A heron would have been shot in Beauvais, the mayor files a complaint

  • Beauvais

  • Hauts-de-France

  • Threatens

  • Violence

  • Police

  • Jail

  • Miscellaneous facts

  • Justice