The equipment of the Bundeswehr with armed drones is now one of the miracles that have occurred in German security policy since the turn of the century.

This had been prevented for years by the SPD, which believed that such remote-controlled weapon systems lowered the inhibition threshold for military action because their operators were not endangered themselves.

This very German argument hasn't been heard since Putin's war of annihilation in Ukraine made it clear that Germany's defensive capability must also be increased with all available means and weapons.

It is no longer "just" about the use of drones in distant parts of the world.

They are now also needed for national and alliance defense.

The Bundestag must approve the deployment in advance

But the SPD still doesn't completely trust the drone and, above all, the troops that would have to use it.

There are strict requirements for the use of the aircraft.

It is only possible if the Bundestag has approved it in advance.

The Bundeswehr is lucky not to have to control the drones from the Reichstag building.

On the other hand, some MPs who decide on the acquisition and use of weapon systems would not do any harm if they had closer contact with those who would then have to live with these requirements and, if necessary, fight them.

Some things look different under fire on the battlefield than when the decision was taken under the glass dome of the Bundestag.