After a few hours of searching, the short-lived public enemy number one of the US Capitol police has been caught: an aggressive fox that was attacking passers-by in the center of the federal capital Washington.

“ALERT: Caught,” Capitol Police tweeted Tuesday afternoon along with photos of the slender, white-and-rufous snout pin, locked in a cage after being nabbed in the green spaces of Congress Hill.

#BREAKING: Captured.

— US Capitol Police (@CapitolPolice) April 5, 2022

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A probable lair near the Capitol

Several people had been “attacked or bitten” by a fox near the temple of American democracy, according to reports sent to the Capitol police.

"This morning, (Capitol Police) received a call about a fox approaching staff" working on Congress Hill, where the Senate and House of Representatives are located.

"This fox could have a den" in the green spaces surrounding the various Capitol buildings, police continued.

“Foxes are wild animals that are very protective of their den and territory.

Please do not approach them, ”demanded the Capitol police.

The presence of foxes in Washington and U.S. cities isn't unusual, but they generally avoid humans, according to local environmental officials.

A fox attacks and kills a walker's dog in the Ardennes


Seine-Maritime: A prefectural decree authorizing the slaughter of 850 foxes canceled by the court

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  • Fox