A few days before the first round, the far-right candidate is several points ahead of the Insoumis, third, also dynamic in the polls, for qualification in the second round.

"Listen to you, the angry not fachos, where do you find anything in the speech of this woman that is not entirely tinged with class contempt", thundered Jean-Luc Mélenchon at the Grand Palais in Lille in front of several thousand people, a meeting broadcast by hologram in 11 other cities.

For example, he pointed out, Marine Le Pen is opposed to the fuel price freeze he is proposing, "she is afraid that Saudi Arabia will not cover her costs..."

“How can you carry someone so far removed from your basic life concerns?” insisted the tribune.

"Everyone told me + you have to talk about animals because Madame Le Pen is campaigning with cats +. I don't have a cat, I have a cactus", he quipped.

Before putting forward his own program, "animalist", while "on factory farms, what does she say? Nothing".

"I don't want to make fun of her, but to put an end to this mystification", assured Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

"Are you tired of electing someone" who will not keep their promises, he asked.

"Do you find your account there?"

Jean-Luc Melenchon AFP

He mentioned his absences from the National Assembly on social subjects, arousing boos from the public: "Her name does not appear once in the reports on the pension reform, she did not get involved. one second, never!"

And the Insoumis to list again: "Absent for the bill to restore the ISF, on the insubordinate proposal for the nationalization of motorways, on the bill giving the RSA to young people aged 18-25, on the violence against women, on the recognition of endometriosis..."

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