French presidential election: in Brittany, Macron on the offensive before the first round

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Emmanuel Macron campaigning in Spézet, Brittany, April 5, 2022. AFP - LUDOVIC MARIN

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2 mins

The outgoing president continues his campaign.

It was Tuesday April 5 in Spézet, in Finistère, on the land of one of its first supporters, the President of the National Assembly Richard Ferrand.

With always a clear desire: to meet the French and score points against their opponents.


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With our special correspondent in Spézet,

Valérie Gas

On a small square filled to capacity, this is how Emmanuel Macron wants to campaign in the final stretch before the first round.

After the big "show" of his meeting in front of 30,000 people at La Défense Arena, the candidate president returns to a more human format in front of a few hundred people in Spézet, a small village in Finistère.

And the president claims it: “ 

I hold popular gatherings in village squares, where others hold meetings. 


Despite a few whistles on his arrival, Emmanuel Macron is somewhat on conquered ground in Brittany, in the constituency of a faithful, Richard Ferrand.

But he refuses to say that he chooses the easy way:

I take risks all the time.

I go to everyone's land.

Each time, I come across compatriots who don't agree with what I'm doing or what I'm proposing.

They stalk me, and I respond

Emmanuel Macron wants to give everything.


I fight 

,” he insists.

And above all, he attacks his adversaries by presenting himself as the defender of Europe: " 

The projects which turn their backs on Europe, which want an exit from Europe, an exit from Schengen, are harmful and deadly projects. . 


Objective: to highlight the contradictions of the one he could find in the second round, Marine Le Pen.

But Mrs Le Pen, she wants to get out of Europe.

I thought his whole program depended on it.

So I no longer understood, I'm no longer the film, I'm lost.

She repeated again that she wanted to leave Schengen;

leaving Schengen means leaving free movement.

I was saying it here, there are plenty of tourists who come every year.

Good luck !

Emmanuel Macron is on the offensive.

►To re-read: In a giant meeting, Emmanuel Macron castigates "extremism"


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  • Presidential France 2022

  • France

  • Emmanuel Macron