The woman had posted a picture of a man on her Instagram account with the text:

"Hello, the police are looking for this boy, he is suspected of assault and rape.

Do you see him, call the police, thank you. ”

and “A colleague and friend had a worse morning at work after a girl came in bloody and in shock after being subjected to both rape and assault.

If you see the fan, Call.

Hopefully we can help find him so he can be locked up full time. ”

The incident occurred at the turn of the month July-August last year and the picture was up for 16 hours and could be seen by the woman's followers, which then amounted to about 8,000.

The district court sentences the woman against her refusal to a 80-day fine of a total of SEK 25,600, as well as damages of SEK 8,000 to the man.