Russia promised on Tuesday to drastically reduce its military presence in Kyiv and Chernihiv.

But Inga Näslund, Russia expert at the Palme Center, believes that the fighting will continue.

- The Ukrainians are pushing back the Russians.

Village by village and house by house.

These are tough battles.

SVT's correspondent: Better conditions for conversations

SVT's Turkey correspondent Tomas Thorén describes the Russian promise to back down militarily as a tentative progress.

- It could mean that there are better conditions for holding talks between Russia and Ukraine in the future, he says.

The promise was made during Tuesday's negotiations in Istanbul.

Many observers say it was a fairly opportune time for Russia to announce the reduction.

- The offensive was already going badly.

It can really be about them wanting to make a kind of troop transfer and get the other side not to attack, says Tomas Thorén.