In total, there are four Russian planes that violated Swedish airspace on 2 March this year.

The attack plane must have been of the type SU 24 and was escorted by a fighter plane of the type SU 27.

According to TV4 Nyheterna, it is the SU 24 plan that must have been equipped with nuclear weapons.

According to the channel, they must be careful to show that they were equipped with nuclear weapons.

- Exactly how the Russian planes were armed, there is nothing we comment on at the moment.

What I want to point out is that if we had seen an increased threat to Sweden, we would have informed about this, says Air Force Chief Carl-Johan Edström.

The plane must have been on Swedish territory for about a minute.

The violation took place east of Gotland.

"Weapons hung on the outside"

The air force deployed two JAS 39 Gripen to ward off but also photograph the Russian planes.

Something that could mean that the Swedish Armed Forces know what type of weapon they were carrying:

- In general, it can be said that most aircraft from Russia have their weapons hung on the outside, says Carl-Johan Edström.

After the incident, a Russian representative was called up to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

- There are established procedures for this type of case.

These include calling a representative from the offending nation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The procedures are also applied in this case, the Foreign Ministry's press service told SVT on 3 March.

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Hear the Chief of Air Force about the Russian violation in the clip above.

Photo: SVT