Sixten Rautio lives in the village of Saivomuotka in northeastern Kiruna municipality.

Here, the residents have had 150 km to their nearest ambulance station in Vittangi.

Provided the alarm went off during office hours.

At all other times, they have had to wait for the ambulance to drive the two-hour road from Kiruna.

A distance of 220 km that corresponds to the distance between Stockholm and Falun in Dalarna.


The Regional Council's unexpected text message to SVT's reporter

It is not just Saivomuotka that has been affected.

The entire eastern Kiruna municipality has lacked access to an ambulance on site in the immediate area during evenings, weekends and summers.

80 percent of all hours of the year, the door to the ambulance station in Vittangi has been locked. 

Hopefully, however, Sixten has made its last contribution to the Norrbotten Region.

After Assignment review interview with regional councilor Kenneth Backgård, the ambulance in Vittangi will after six years regain its round-the-clock staffing.